Anelsonia eurycarpa (Daggerpod): It is a perennial plant with many-branched caudex and short slender stems terminating in rosettes of fleshy velvety leaves. The stems are covered by persistent petiolar remains. Leaves are finger-like and up to 0.8 inches (2 cm) long. The tiny flowers are white to purplish, densely packed in a short inflorescence, and appear from late spring to summer. The distinctive fruits are papery to leathery, white, and often with areas of purple or brown. They are elliptic, up 1.2 inches (3 cm) long, and have several brown seeds. This unusual plant is usually found growing on disintegrated unaltered volcanic rocks or whitish ash at high elevations, 9,500 to 13,000 feet (2,900 to 4,000 m), in subalpine or alpine slopes, and ridges from central Idaho to the Sweetwater Mountains, White Mountains, and Sierra Nevada of California. In 1983, Arnold Tiehm found this species growing on white-colored ash at 5,300 feet (1,600 m) on the south side of Mahogany Mountain in Washoe County, Nevada.