
"11 of the World's Most Polluted Beaches: From Paradise to Trash Dump"

Yayınlanma: 06 October 2024 - 00:01

Wide scale pollution has turned some of the world's most beautiful beaches into trash heaps. From Hawaii's Kamilo Beach — which is so littered by man-made debris that it earned the nickname "Plastic Beach" — to Henderson Island, a remote, uninhabited island in the South Pacific whose beaches are some of the dirtiest on Earth, these former sandy paradises now resemble garbage dumps.

Serendipity Beach
Serendipity Beach, Sihanoukville, Cambodia Cambodia's beaches are dirty, that much is clear. The International Coastal Cleanup brought a lot of trash to Cambodia's shoreline in 2016, which led US News and World Report to name it the dirtiest coastline in the world. Cambodia had more trash than Albania, which had an average of 877 pieces of trash per mile of shore. Cambodia had an average of 1,072 pieces. Serendipity Beach, which is also called Ochheuteal Beach, is no different. All of the reviews on TripAdvisor agree that this beach is dirty. "The beach itself could have been beautiful but is instead filthy with litter," says a user. But photographer Niamh Peren told The Guardian that the fast growth of trash is a sign of a bigger problem. People in Sihanouk have to drink bottled water to stay alive because they don't have a way to filter the water. says that 4 million Cambodians do not have access to clean water.