
"11 of the World's Most Polluted Beaches: From Paradise to Trash Dump"

Yayınlanma: 06 October 2024 - 00:01

Wide scale pollution has turned some of the world's most beautiful beaches into trash heaps. From Hawaii's Kamilo Beach — which is so littered by man-made debris that it earned the nickname "Plastic Beach" — to Henderson Island, a remote, uninhabited island in the South Pacific whose beaches are some of the dirtiest on Earth, these former sandy paradises now resemble garbage dumps.

Guanabara Bay Beaches
Guanabara Bay Beaches, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The notoriously dirty Guanabara Bay in Rio got a lot of attention from the media before and during the 2016 Summer Olympics, when athletes in events like rowing and sailing had to swim in its filthy water. The Associated Press did an investigation and found that the water in the bay "contained dangerously high levels of viruses and bacteria from human sewage." There was a 99% chance that athletes would get sick if they drank even three teaspoons of the dirty water.