
"11 of the World's Most Polluted Beaches: From Paradise to Trash Dump"

Yayınlanma: 06 October 2024 - 00:01

Wide scale pollution has turned some of the world's most beautiful beaches into trash heaps. From Hawaii's Kamilo Beach — which is so littered by man-made debris that it earned the nickname "Plastic Beach" — to Henderson Island, a remote, uninhabited island in the South Pacific whose beaches are some of the dirtiest on Earth, these former sandy paradises now resemble garbage dumps.

Parlee Beach
Parlee Beach, New Brunswick, Canada New Brunswickers can expect a lot of talk but not much action to fix the pollution problems plaguing Parlee Beach Provincial Park in 2018, according to at least one political expert. An aging sewage system is the likely culprit behind pollution at Parlee Beach in Pointe-du-Chêne, New Brunswick. Last summer, fecal bacteria levels were so high that New Brunswick issued a no-swimming advisory for eight days of the season. The popular New Brunswick vacation spot is one of the most polluted beaches in Canada. Michel Rathwell/Flickr

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