
"11 of the World's Most Polluted Beaches: From Paradise to Trash Dump"

Yayınlanma: 06 October 2024 - 00:01

Wide scale pollution has turned some of the world's most beautiful beaches into trash heaps. From Hawaii's Kamilo Beach — which is so littered by man-made debris that it earned the nickname "Plastic Beach" — to Henderson Island, a remote, uninhabited island in the South Pacific whose beaches are some of the dirtiest on Earth, these former sandy paradises now resemble garbage dumps.

Kamilo Beach
Kamilo Beach, Hawaii, United States Kamilo Beach, located on the south-eastern tip of Hawaii's Big Island, has been dubbed one of the most plastic-polluted spots on the planet. Kamilo is an area of Hawaii's Big Island that is mostly made up of trashed plastic bottles. In fact, every year thousands of pounds of trash made by people, like hair brushes and water bottles, end up in the ocean. People from Japan and Russia bring some of their trash here. This beach is very dirty because it is close to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, an area of high pressure that collects trash from the ocean. Charles J. Moore, an oceanographer and boat captain, found it in 1997. Most of the trash is actually so small that you can't see it with the human eye, despite what many people think.

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